About Us

Welcome to DSK Artist Private Limited, your one-stop destination for exceptional wall art services. Founded in 2012 by our visionary leader, Dheeraj Singh Khundia, and based in Gurgaon, Haryana, we have been transforming spaces with our captivating and creative art.

At DSK Artist, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, originality, and customer satisfaction. Our skilled artists specialize in a range of services, including Wall ART, Murals, Graffiti, Interior Art, and Portraits. Our mission is to bring life and color to your walls while reflecting your unique style and personality.

Join us in our journey of turning walls into canvases and creating spaces that truly showcase your individuality. Get in touch with us today to discover the limitless possibilities of wall art with DSK Artist Private Limited, where art knows no boundaries.

Choose DSK Artist for skilled artists, competitive pricing, a wide range of services, exceptional customer service, and attention to detail. Experience exceptional wall art services that transform your space into a captivating masterpiece.

We look forward serving you.

Dheeraj Singh Khundia Founder & Director